A single journey on the People Mover will cost R4 and a day pass R15.
Once the service is established there will be various packages available through tour companies and hotels.
Operating Hours
Daily Service Periods:
The Durban People Mover has tailored its services to cater for the varied demands of commuters and tourists:
This commuter service operates at peak hours in the morning 06h30-09h00 and evening 16:30-18:00
This service is mainly aimed at the tourist and leisure market 09h00-16h30
This service is similar to the Off – peak service with a minor route variation where the bus will turn at Field Street, not Grey/Victoria/Russell
Extended operating hours from 06:30 – 23:00 allow commuters greater freedom and access to Durban’s playground.
People Mover Routes:
Northern Route: from the West Street interchange to Suncoast
Southern Route: from the West Street interchange to Ushaka
Western Route: a circular route through the city
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